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Orbita - Minecraft Modpack & Server

Welcome! Orbita is a Minecraft Forge modpack primarily focused around a heavily modified version of Beyond Earth (referred to as Beyond Orbita) and Create. Come join us among the stars!

The address of our official server is the same as the URL of this website ( For more information, please join our Discord.

See the installation section below for instructions on how to start playing!


  • Modpack: 0.1
  • Minecraft: 1.18.2
  • Forge: 40.1.85


Currently the only way to install Orbita is using MultiMC. We use packwiz to sync the files to the instance each time the game is launched. In the future we plan to add the modpack to CurseForge and Modrinth, as well as others if requested.


  1. Download MultiMC and follow the provided instructions for your operating system here.
  2. Run the program begin the quick setup. Orbita needs Java 17 or higher, so make sure the correct version is selected in the setup. We also recommend at least 4096 MiB minimum memory allocation.
  3. Click "Add Instance" in the upper left hand corner.
  4. Select "Import from zip" and paste the following URL into the path:

    You can then click "OK" to create the instance.

  5. Double click the created instance icon, and the modpack will be installed and automatically updated each time you launch. An optional mods screen will appear, these are client-side mods that the pack is designed to work with, but gameplay won't change if you deselect any of them.

  6. You are now ready to play!